Stefan Szczesny & New York
Szczesny lived in New York from 1994 to 2001. The city exerted an enormous influence. This relates perhaps not primarily to stylistic developments owed to the experience of metropolitan life, but to Szczesny’s being exposed to an understanding of the art business very different from what he was used to as an artist raised in Europe. It is in New York that he began to conceive of the production of art in more professional terms. In New York, for instance, the idea for the “Szczesny Factory” was born, which was founded in 1996 in Berlin, but is also present in the United States as an Inc.
New York continues to be a place of work and inspiration for Szczesny. He returns frequently. On these occasions, he usually pursues photographic interests. However, he also has the possibility to paint in a small studio space on Lincoln Square. He exhibits in New York on a regular basis.